CRC1411 second funding period kick-off meeting

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The goal was clear. The new PhD-students should really grasp the idea behind the Collaborative Research Center 1411 (CRC 1411); understand the structure, the background and the last and upcoming funding period. In addition, everyone should get to know their colleagues, in order to put faces to anonymous email addresses.

To this end, the retreat of our Collaborative Research Center 1411 took place from March 18 to 20, 2024 in Waischenfeld. Around 60 participants came together, about half of whom were the new PhD-students.

During the lectures, the newcomers sat tightly packed at the back of the room, while the professors occupied the empty rows at the front. But this boundary became increasingly blurred with each passing day. Everyone ate together, hiked through the forest and had to go through the same workshops, such as “Writing Tools” and “Communication and Conflict Management”. “Also, the team-building activities, such as Giant Jenga and blind Tic-Tac-Toe, definitely loosened us up”, one of the students described. “But I especially enjoyed the evenings, when I had time to talk with the others about their research, play games with them and get to know everyone for real.”

Check out some of our team-building activities.